Sorry, so LimeWire is now a dumping ground for celebrity NFTs?

by | Jul 6, 2022

I have fond memories of hanging out at my childhood friend’s house and watching as she downloaded thousands of pirated songs (and viruses) onto her family’s computer using LimeWire. It was a simpler time — we didn’t have to worry about jobs because we were 12 years old. Soulja Boy’s “Crank That” had infiltrated our Midwestern school dances and we reveled in learning the choreography. And this cool service let you listen to whatever music you wanted for free. I love the internet, I thought to myself.

As an adult in 2022, reading “[insert bygone brand name] is back!” is a dangerous game. These days, announcements frequently include a string of phrases nonsensical to the average person, as brands like RadioShack, Blockbuster, and other…

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