Everything you need to know about the 2024 solar eclipse

by | Apr 3, 2024

The sun, a black circle obscured by the moon and surrounded by a glowing white corona, hangs in a black sky.
A solar eclipse in Chile on July 2, 2019. | Sebastian Brogca/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

From why this year is so special to tips for watching, we’ve got you covered.

Millions of Americans in the United States will be able to see a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. It will be the last chance for those in the lower 48 states to see one for 21 years. Even if you can’t get to the path of totality, which is where the moon’s shadow covers the sun, you’ll at least see a partial solar eclipse over the course of the day.

So — if you’re wondering how you can witness what some folks call a life-changing event to why they happen in the first place, follow along here for answers to all of your questions and more.

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